Thursday, March 12, 2020


In case you've been orbiting the earth in the International Space Station for the past 72 days, STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!

We here on Terra Firma have been dealing with COVID-19, a global pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, first reported in Wuhan,Hubei, China in 2019.On March 11, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a pandemic.

Usually, in times of crisis, we can turn to our President for leadership and our sports teams and Broadway performers for escape.

Unfortunately, this is NOT one of those "usuallys."

The NCAA Men's and Women's College Basketball Tournaments will now play to empty arenas, the NHL and NBA, along with many major soccer leagues, have put their schedules on hold, New York State has banned Broadway musicals until April 13, and instead of showing gumption like the Prime Minister of Italy, President George W.Bush,or Morgan Freeman in the 1996 disaster epic DEEP IMPACT (You may recall that after Earth was flattened by a meteorite that, needless to say, did not come here to make friends, Morgan's character, the POTUS, placed the US under martial law until he could set things right and America could rebuild.), our current pitiful excuse for a president (I won't mention his name, but it rhymes with CHUMP, which suits him to a T.) bans incoming air and cruise traffic from China and Europe to fit his "America First" platform.

If you wanted to unite the world, Mr. President, congratulations.

You have united the world AGAINST you.

There was a time when I respected you, Don, and my father respected you,too.

But that time is LONG past.

For the first time in the history of this blog, I would like to endorse a candidate, namely Joe Biden, for POTUS, and recommend either Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigeg, or Elizabeth Warren as his running mate. True, Joe may be a little old, but he still knows a thing or two, especially about dealing with crisis. If HE took the oath of office, we would never return to this place in our history, but, if we did, he would know how best to deal with earthshaking crisis.

If you want to play golf, Don, play golf.



Until we meet under happier circumstances, this is your somewhat P.O'ed announcer reminding you to wash your hands, sneeze and cough into your arm, steer clear of sick people, and vote for people who don't just talk about Making America (and the world) Great Again, but who can actually do it.

Here's wishing you a SAFE St. Patrick's Day and, this Passover, remember the leader who freed our ancestors from a despot who only cared about himself, and hope that history will repeat itself, but in a GOOD way.
