I would like to profoundly and profusely apologize to the clergy and management of Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York for comments I made in my last post. I am aware that there are more important things in the world than a fictional comic book character inspired by Greek mythology, many of which have to do with daily life. I realize that I have made a mountain out of a molehill (a beautiful, powerful, smart molehill, but a molehill nonetheless) and I wish The Streicker Center all the best of luck with its upcoming offerings including evenings with Justice Elena Kagan, Gloria Steinem, and Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. (For info on THOSE, visit http://www.streicker.nyc.) I'm sorry for not only releasing my inner huckster but also my inner Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Comic Book Guy (a little inside joke for all you SIMPSONS fans out there. I promise I will place events such as the WONDER WOMAN screening in their proper perspective, and, to my fellow members of the sports fan group, I will stick to sports. (Except when the conversation turns to real life super heroes like the president of Ukraine.)
Shame-Faced Steve
PS That last post has been deleted, never to darken your door again.