If you've never been to the Sight & Sound Theater (formerly the Millenium Theater) in Lancaster, PA, keep it that way, OK?
Long story short: it began in 1976 with a slideshow presentation for the American bicentennial with equipment rented from the Amish-leaning Lancaster Bible College , and evolved into theatrical interpretations of Biblical stories.
If you live in New York, Philadelphia, Wilmington, or its home market of Harrisburg (including Hershey, which is WAY worthier of a visit, and not just from chocoholics!) no doubt you've seen spots for their latest production, a 30th anniversary revival of NOAH: THE MUSICAL. Frankly, I'm surprised it didn't take the gargantuan bath its namesake took in Torah!
I have no kick against the Amish, I respect their right to worship as they see fit, and I remember the nice chicken dinner an elderly couple served me and a bunch of tired, but happy, Ranger fans on our way home from Hersheypark, but let's not kid ourselves, gang, under those antiquated outfits are the biggest bunch of hypocrites the world has ever known. These people claim to abhor modern culture, yet with musicals such as NOAH and its newest monstrosity, an adaptation of the book of DANIEL now playing in Branson, MO, they try to emulate the better-known, and better, productions of Lin-Manuel Miranda, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Alan Menken, and my fellow Steves, the late great Mr. Sondheim and the Wicked cool Mr. Schwartz.
To be honest, I have no desire to see NOAH, (One of the things S&S likes to boast about is live animals on stage and in the audience, and if NOAH indeed has two of every animal, all that stench for two hours is not worth the schlep!) so,with Purim right around the corner,I watched their must-miss production of QUEEN ESTHER (so you don't have to),and it failed to tick any of the boxes. No memorable numbers, (Think "Popular," "Defying Gravity", "The Room Where It Happened," etc.) no comic relief, (Think "You'll Be Back," "Hakuna Matata," or the traditional Purimspielen, or Purim plays, filled to overflowing with public Haman shamin' and pop culture references built around the common theme, "They kicked our butts, we kicked their butts, let's eat.") no superstars, (Maybe it's all for the best.) and worst of all, no sense. (Why is Hadassah, the nice Jewish girl who will be queen, wearing a chador at the beginning?) I guess the reason why the filmed version has no credits is that they 're all in Witness Protection.
I will spare you the agony by NOT linking you to the website or giving you directions by plane,train or automobile (There IS another S&S in Branson MO. There are a LOT of better dinner -theaters there.)
Long story short: If any of your friends ask you if you want to see NOAH at the Sight and Sound,ask them back,"Do you mind if Amish it?"
Steve out!