...for the Ukraine and China, who have returned to SteveNation. Now, don't run away again, or I'll send the dogs to follow your scent! Just kidding! (And farewell to Russia. AGAIN.)
I was just watching the classic Halloween episode of HANNAH MONTANA, "Torn Between Two Hannahs," wherein Miley's cousin Luann comes all the way from Tennessee and attempts to expose Miley's secret (Dum-dum-DUMMMM!) and BTW, both characters were played, and played well, by Miley Cyrus. In one scene, Miley says, "Underneath those cute little piggy tails are devil horns." Isn't it ironic, as Alanis Morrisette sang, "Doncha think," that the real Miley would later roll her hair into devil horns? As longtime fans of this blog are doubtless aware, I miss the old Miley, but I DID see a glimmer of hope when I saw her in a beautiful Marc Jacobs gown. Maybe she IS reevaluating her actions!
I have just heard that those Chicken McNuggets I have loved so much are NOT real chicken! Next thing you'll know, somebody's going to unmask Santa Claus as a pedophile who loves to overeat,spend money on gifts and surveillance equipment,employ sweatshop labor,abuse animals, and break into other people's houses!
Congratulations to the Boston Red Sox on winning the first game of the World Series! One down, three (I hope!) to go!
Also, break up the New York Giants! They won their first game of the year against the Minnesota Vikings! They're too powerful! Can't wait to see how they fare against the first place Philadelphia "Iggles," as they call 'em over there!
Finally, move over, Animal Planet's "Puppy Bowl!" You have competition on Super Sunday. Hallmark Channel is hosting the first annual "Kitty Bowl," with Yankee announcer John Sterling handling the play-by-play and animal activist (and Mrs.Howard Stern) Beth Stern handling the color commentary. I remember first hearing John as an announcer with the Atlanta Braves and Hawks before joining the Yanks. I forgive him for his stint as an announcer with the New York Islanders. Everybody makes mistakes! (Take it from a guy who knows! Just see recent editions of this blog and you'll smell what the Steve is cookin'!) He may not use the slogans that have endeared him to Yankee fans, ("It's an A-Bomb from A-Rod!")
If it's Madison Square Garden, quite nicely! I haven't been inside the newly transformed World's Most Famous Arena just yet, but I have seen Chase Square, the new lobby, and it looks tres cool! I can't wait to see it from the inside! (I just hope it gives the Knicks and Rangers incentive to play better games!)
...Bettijane Eisenpreis took issue with the last paragraph of my Sandy report last blog saying that she wouldn't want another Sandy. Well, Mom, with all due respect, NOBODY wants a Sandy-like storm any more than anybody EXPECTS the Spanish Inquisition. (Remember the classic Monty Python bit?)When a kid invited me into a hurricane simulator at the Whitaker Center in Harrisburg,all those Sandy memories came right back to me! I'm just trying to show our international readers that we Americans are up to any challenge, whether it comes from Osama bin Laden,Sadaam Hussein, Superstorm Sandy, or Eric Schonfeld! (My downstairs neighbor at 32 Gramercy Park. He could be quite the dictator if he wanted to be!)
Well, that's it for now, but, whether you're putting the finishing touches on your costume, looking for a pumpkin, or just chilling out watching the games,(Take the Giants over the Eagles by a touchdown!) have a great weekend!
Bye Buckaroos!
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