Tuesday, November 12, 2013

#79 It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas, Actually TOO MUCH!

Before we begin, a little business...

Welcome back,  China and Israel, especially Israel! Just like a lot of TV shows over here in the good old U-S-of-A, I'd like to warm up the audience with a little joke you Israelis would appreciate.

A young couple, and his mother-in-law, took a honeymoon in Israel, but, sadly, Mom died. The husband called a funeral parlor and told them what happened. The undertaker explained, "For fifty bucks, we can bury her right here in the Holy Land, and for five-hundred we could ship her back home." Hubby thought a second and replied, "Send her home." Shocked, the undertaker replied, "Why not save money and bury her here?" Hubby responded, "You people buried a guy and he came back after three days, and I don't want to take that risk!"

Last time, I responded to my mom, Bettijane L. Eisenpreis, and her comments on SB77. I was trying to provide honest political commentary in the tradition of Bill O'Reilly, Keith Olbermann (my erstwhile close warm personal friend), Chris Matthews, and to a very lesser extent, Glenn Beck, but THEY don't have a mom in public relations, which I DO. She was trying to sway me with all those various comments, but yesterday, she wrote me about the possibility about getting hit by a bike.

Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.

OK, to today's topic we go, and not only are a lot of stores opening on Thanksgiving, which  defeats the whole purpose of the holiday, but Chicago, Philly, and we Big Applers  are getting hit by either snow flurries,
frozen rain, or full-on blizzards, and as if THAT weren't enough, Lifetime and Hallmark are ALREADY airing Christmas movies.

As ESPN's Cris Carter would say, "COME ON,MAN!" We just finished with Veteran's Day (Thank you,every one who has served or is serving, by the way.) and many of us have taken off our Halloween costumes, (For those who haven't, a meeting at your local AA chapter is STRONGLY recommended.) and ALREADY we're talking Christmas?!?!?!?

Well, since we're celebrating Chanugiving or Thanksakah or whatever the heck we're calling it, and the economy the way it is, I guess an early dose of the holiday spirit IS a good thing, but all that snow in Chicago,Philly, Pittsburgh and here AND temps?!?

I have a few words for the stores, the networks, the few radio stations that are already putting their regular formats on holiday vacation AND Mother Nature herself:


Some traditions should be respected and those who observe their respective holidays should prepare for them and observe them in a calm and orderly fashion. Next year we're celebrating Chrismukah. Next year, O   Powers That Be, could you PLEASE hold off on the winter weather until it's ACTUALLY winter?

Unfortunately, the Filipinos will NOT have a Merry Christmas this year. Please visit http://www.redcross.org.ph or call  1-800-HELP  NOW to make sure your donation gets to the Philippines DIRECTLY and without compromise.

Bye Buckaroos!

NEXT: Charles M. Schulz once said there were three things you should never discuss: Religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin. Well, we've discussed Halloween, Election Day, and the winter holidays, which involve religion, but next time I  will talk about certain books and whether they are as important or more important than the Good Book itself. It's a Steve's Blog of Biblical proportions! Don't miss it, BE THERE!

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