Tuesday, January 21, 2014

2.4 There's No Place Like Dome, There's No Place Like Dome,,,

Don't get me wrong, I AM  happy that Super Bowl  XLIVIII  is being played in New Jersey and that New York is welcoming the Denver Broncos and (especially!) the Seattle Seahawks and their various coaches and fans, but, if I said it once, I said it a thousand times, I WISH WE HAD A DOMED  FOOTBALL  STADIUM!

I know, I know, we're NOO YAWKERS,  we're tough,  we can take anything, we're not Wimpopolis,  USA. Well, NEWS FLASH, guys,  Toronto is just a train ride away,and although they MAY be more genteel and just a skosh more, well, BRITISH, than us, they're not exactly a bunch of wussies,and  THEY have had the Rogers Centre, (formerly SkyDome) a beautiful multi-purpose arena, for years. Say what you will about ex-Mayor Mike Bloomberg, one idea of his that SHOULD have been realized was a domed stadium on the West Side which would have welcomed the Summer Games AND the Super Bowl. After what some of his CWPF's said on Inauguration Day, there is a part of me that wishes Bill DeBlasio was defeated on Election Night by Joe Lhota, the kind of guy who would have approved an indoor stadium in, pardon the expression,a New York minute. After all, he's a past Executive Vice President of Madison Square Garden, so why WOULDN'T he approve the idea? It would pump millions of dollars into the economy (dollars which would be used to feed the homeless and educate our kids) and create new jobs, and, OF COURSE, provide athletes with a place to play without freezing their posteriors off. Just sayin'.

As I take computer in paw, it is currently, as a New York radio personality named David Haines who fancied himself a local version of Paul Harvey would have said, "Seventeen FUN-LOVIN' degrees" with snow coming down in buckets, which necessitated my need to express my opinion of a domed stadium, or the lack therof. Just when you thought it was safe to go back outside, old Mr. Polar Vortex is back, and nobody is safe, not even Miami, where tomorrow's temps are not expected to be higher than SIXTY. Your story has touched my heart. (Cue the violins.)

Changing the subject he said, if you remember M*A*S*H, I think you'll like ENLISTED, a new show on FOX  (Fridays, 9:30 pm ET, check time and channel, rated TV-14) about a hero of the battle against terror in Afghanistan who must command a troop of misfits in Florida, some of whom are his brothers. It's a new show, so, give it time. I'm sure it will be back in the Fall for another tour of duty.

Unfortunately, the old clock on the wall is telling me to start shutting this little get-together down, so, until the next sunny and WARM day (PLEASE!) we meet again, this is your announcer saying, BRRRR, AND...


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