Monday, January 26, 2015

3.3 Oh,Waiter, Another Order of Crow, With A Side Order of My Words, Please?

It has come to my attention that certain people aren't exactly loving the (admittedly lame) attempt at humor that was SB 3.2 . I HAVE seen proof that what the weather people said is indeed right, so, sing along with me, (You know the melody.)

For he's a really big dummy,
For he's a really big dummy.
For he's a really big DUM-MEEEE!
Which nobody can deny!

I STILL stand by my Super Bowl pick and my review of Bella and the Bulldogs, AND BY THE WAY, if you were thinking of seeing Ridley Scott's "EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS" starring Christian Bale as Moses and John Turturro as the Pharoah, DON'T.

In somewhat related news, ABC's "4-week comedy extravaganza" GALAVANT just ended, and left me VERY disappointed. I was hoping our hero would save the beautiful princess and kill the evil king, but he and His Majesty have apparently joined a band of pirates and the princess, who become as bad as the king was before he fell in with Galavant, has banished his friends to the dungeon. I was kinda hoping he would live happily ever after!

Well, that's it for now, but make sure you have enough to eat and your lights are on!

Bye Buckaroos!

P.S. I may be Charlie, but with great freedom of speech comes (or, to quote some versions, "there must also come") GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, not the right to be a great big butthead as I was in  SB 3.2!

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