Is there no low to which President Of The United States For Now Donald John Trump will stoop? He's alienated our most important allies in Europe, decreed the "fake" news media (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and every other news organization not owned by Rupert Murdoch) the enemy of the American people, insulted women, Mexico, China, Alec Baldwin and his fun-loving friends at SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE and his erstwhile buds the Clintons and Barack Obama (THAT was fast!), and now he has created a new word which MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE WHATSOEVER, and I quote...
"Despite the constant negative press covfefe"-Posted on Twitter, May 31,2017 after midnight EST
Is THAT what the 45th President of the greatest of countries in a world of great countries will be remembered for?
I admit, I love a good nonsense word as much as the next guy. Remember LAUGH-IN announcer and DJ Gary Owens and Morgul the Friendly Drelb? Remember a character on the original ELECTRIC COMPANY called Chompularkoiminguslump or when the great Fred Rogers said, "Slopperydozafunundapuk?" Or how about "Doo wah diddy diddy dum diddy doo?" (Thank you Ellie Greenwich by way of Manfred Mann!)
But THIS...this, like the majority of every word uttered by this doofus (Yep, I called the President a doofus! I don't condone posing with a blood soaked effigy of the Donald, but I do NOT apologize for calling him a doofus!) IS JUST PLAIN NONSENSE!
Needless to say, the internet is having a field day with this insipidly incoherent idiocy, which will, no doubt, haunt our fearless covfefe until he covfefes off to that great big covfefe in the covfefe.
Suppose his predecessors said something similar: "Fourscore and seven covfefes ago?" "Ask not what your covfefe can do for you, ask what you can covfefe for your country?" "A thousand points of covfefe?"":Mr. Covfefe, tear down this covfefe?"
My fellow Covfefes, let's hope that our Covfefe in Chief can think of something more coherent to tell the world, because, with everything going on from Manchester to Kabul and everywhere else in between, we REALLY need an intelligent, professional leader who can unite us and give us direction, not some silly word that will probably land on the ash heap of history. I don't care if it's Hillary Clinton, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson or a write-in candidate as long as if it's a person we can all understand. Now THAT would be SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS! (Not to mention smurfy!)
Covfefe, Buckaroos!
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