Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Few Thoughts On Bettijane L. Eisenpreis

Yesterday, my mother Bettijane L. Eisenpreis started feeling poorly and saw our new family doctor, Mark Nechiamie in the Murray Hill neighborhood of Manhattan, and was informed that the primary cause was high blood pressure, but, fortunately, cancer and a heart attack were ruled out and she had to curtail many of her activities.

Now, I know, somebody in London, Paris, or Mexico City, or one of the various other locales where this fine blog is enjoyed, is just going to close the window and forget (s)he ever saw these incoherent ramblings, but as you know, George H.W. and Barbara Bush, John McCain, and Stan Lee have passed in the past few months and weeks and today, Broadway legend Carol Channing, after nearly 100 years, has also left this mortal coil, but that had me a bit worried.

To be perfectly honest, I DON'T THINK THIS IS BETTIJANE'S TIME TO GO! I know, nobody lives forever, but with so many people who have made a difference either in the history of the planet or in my life, "doing the flat wave at Stiff Stadium," I think there should be people to hang around, keep on keeping on, and showing the rest of us young whipper-snappers how it should be done.

I don't care who outside our little circle of friends reads this blog, but Bettijane, GET WELL IMMEDIATELY, IF NOT SOONER, and I hope you keep going and going into the next century.

The rest of you, if this sounds like, to quote Mel Brooks, "the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind," my sincerest apologies, but I DO love my mother! I may not always agree with her, and she may not approve of all my decisions, but she IS a fifty-fifty partner in my creation, we HAVE had a great time on our various vacations, and she DID turn me on to Shakespeare and opera, and I thank her for that.

To reiterate, I hope she gets back to 100% ASAP, and that she keeps kicking posterior and taking names.

Thank you, Bettijane, for everything you do, and thank you, all you non-Bettijanes, for reading, and here's wishing ALL of you a happy and HEALTHY New Year.


1 comment:

  1. Steven -- I am not planning to shed this mortal coil any time soon. The only question is: Will I be able to get to Atlanta? And also, will the government open so that the TSA people at Hartsfield Airport come back to work. I appreciate that you are in my corner, but don't worry. In the words of the song "I'm Still Here!" Bj
