Greetings, Literature Lovers!
Remember last time when I told you I was working on a love story ripped from the headlines? Well, the working title, as of now, is LOVE IS ON THE AIR, a little play on a song Sondheim was GOING to use in "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum" entitled "Love Is IN The Air." I chose it, because this book is a rom-com-dram inspired by a certain cable content battle, which, by the way, tonight ceased temporarily for the New York City Comptroller's Candidates Debate. (Isn't it always the way? They pause for the important playoffs and debates and then, WHAM!)
My Romeo is Ronald Kent, a child of privilege who buys his way into the CEO-ship of Roy Walters Pictures, a one-time family entertainment powerhouse now trying to cope with internal battles and competition with other forms of entertainment, merges it into Now,Inc., a publishing and cable juggernaut, and, right after a recent recession, spins Now Walters Cable off into its own company with himself as the CEO.
My Juliet is Maggie May Simons,the daughter of a failed country music superstar who takes a different path from rags to riches. She gets a job as an on-air reporter for the local UBC affiliate and works her way up to anchor and eventually president of news before answering the call from the network to move to New York and take over the news division. (Eventually, she becomes CEO of the whole danged operation!)
I'll pass along more deets as they become available, such as whether I land a major publisher like my frenemies at Random House, (Remind me to tell you about that later!) or just take it down to the Staples, make a few copies, and send them directly to you (and by you I mean ALL of you!) for a mere pittance. Keep watching this space!
When they say anything can happen in New York, they ain't just whistling "Give My Regards to Broadway!" Some of you may have heard about the cabbie whose vehicle jumped the curb in a heated argument with a bike messenger and injured an innocent bystander from the UK who was just buying a hot dog. Thank Gosh the lady is OK, (Among the people who lent many hands was a guy who not only IS a doctor but plays one on TV, the one and only Dr. Mehmet Oz. He was on official business at the FOX Center at 1211 Avenue of the Americas when he saw the accident. Who says heroes are hard to find?) and thank the New York Post for printing an exclusive interview with the cabbie confessing that he can't drive. Ya think?
Attention all investors in stocks on NASDAQ: You can breathe now! The computer glitch that slowed the market down for three hours have been fixed. You can now use your local bridge for walking and driving, and NOT jumping!
AND FINALLY: Congratulations to Ben Affleck on playing the new Batman in the sequel to Man Of Steel. You are now officially one more man who will pale in comparison to Adam West!
See you again during the weekend!
LATE BREAKING NEWS: China has left the building! Rule Number One: Never trust a country where they eat dogs.
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