Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It's Your Blog Too!

It has come to my attention that while many of you out there in Readerland love this blog, some of you would like to see shorter blogs, and country shout-outs that don't involve the rest of the world. (You can blame Casey Kasem for the current country shout-outs.One of his traditions on AMERICAN TOP 40 was plugging the stations that broadcast the show, for example,"AT-40 comes to you from Hollywood on great radio stations around the world like Most Music Power 95, WPLJ, New York." Some of those taglines were tailored for the listeners in their respective markets and intended to say, "Thank you for listening to US and not THEM," and they just wound up on an international program of the magnitude of an AT-40. You can also blame CNN and their "national local news" concept. Oh,by the way, Wilkommen back, Germany!)

Well, it has been said,the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,so, in the interest of fairness, I'm putting the ball in your court. Shoot me an email at steveneisenpreis@gmail.com with your name and country
and "It's My Blog Too!" in the subject line along with what you would like to see more and less of. If your idea is one of the three best, I'll make a donation in your name to The Garden of Dreams Foundation, established by Madison  Square Garden to provide educational opportunities to economically disadvantaged children, (For more info, log on to http://www.gardenofdreamsfoundation.org .) No purchase necessary, void where prohibited, and PUH-LEEZ! Nothing of a violent,pornographic,racist,or Anti-American nature.

We here in the US just celebrated our independence,  so, come on, You,The People! Help me form a more perfect blog!

Bye, Buckaroos!

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