Thursday, July 18, 2013

Steve's Third Movie Review Blog: Extreme Makeover: Mickey Mouse Edition

Fourscore and  five years  ago this  November, Walter Elias  Disney of Marcelline,MO  brought upon this world  a  new character  conceived  in  laughter and  dedicated to the proposition that even  the  smallest of   little guys can  make  a big impression. That character  was  the one,  the only M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E,
and he made his  debut at the Roxy Theatre, now  the Broadway Theatre, in the VERY FIRST SOUND CARTOON,  "Steamboat Willie." Since then,  he  has been a sorcerer's apprentice,  a conductor, a ghost buster,the star of five  TV shows, and the official greeter at some  of the world's best known  theme  parks,
but  lately, he has been accused of being so  image-conscious  that he  forgot how to be funny.

Fortunately,Mickey is  funny again, thanks  to a new  series of shorts, which can be seen on Disney Channel and on . These new shorts return Mickey to his roots, while introducing him  to a new generation of fans.

NEW YORK WEENIE Our story opens in beautiful Central Park when Mickey tries to play the gentleman and buy Minnie a hot dog, but the rebellious frankfurter has other ideas as he leads  Our Hero on a wild dog chase throughout the Big Apple!

CROISSANT DE TRIOMPHE: When your croissant absolutely, positively, has to be there today, count on
Cafe Minnie's number one delivery mouse, but can Mickey and his motor scooter survive the tres tough Paris traffic (and the rude Parisians!) and get the croissants delivered in one fresh piece?

NO SERVICE: Mickey and Donald are ready to treat their sweethearts to a double date at their favorite Boardwalk hangout, but Goofy isn't goofin' around when he looks at our heroes and says, "No shirt (Mickey), no shoes (Donald), NO SERVICE!" How do the boys get out of THIS one? (SPOILER ALERT:
Brace yourself for FULL FRONTAL NUDITY in a DISNEY CARTOON!Fortunately,it's NOTHING like the controversial Rupert parodies in the UK underground comic "Oz.")

TOKYO GO: FINALLY, the closest thing to a Mickey anime as Mouse-san takes on the VERY congested Tokyo subway.

How best to rank these new 'toons? All of them recall the spirit of the Mickey shorts of the late 20's and early 30's  when he had a bit of a wacky streak years before Bugs and Woody made their first respective appearances, and as NYC, Paris and Tokyo are key Disney bases of operation, the local scenery is impressively authentic,(TOKYO GO boasts a funny video game-like sequence, recalling the studio's recent well-written,well-animated, well-EVERYTHING hit, "Wreck-It Ralph.") If I had to say one short was THE absolute best of the best, it would have to be NO SERVICE because it pokes gentle fun at what has made Mick and Don the icons they are today.

To borrow a phrase from the late, great Don LaFontaine, IN A WORLD where movies have all but run out of originality, these shorts make the perfect antidote to a bummer summer. (Have you seen the temps these days! They're just...GOOFY!)

See ya real soon!

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